In this day and age it is almost impossible to look through the headlines in America and even in other countries and not see a story about a celebrity overdose or celebrity drug related death. There are so many celebrities on drugs these days that one has to wonder how the media and icons of the media are affecting the drug use of our youth. Whitney Houston, who recently died of what is believed to be a deadly concoction of alcohol and prescription drugs, is a perfect example of this tragic, yet all too common trend.

In the past 10 years there have been many other celebrities who have died from drug overdose as well. Is there something about the society in Hollywood that causes these people who are in almost every fashion magazine and every other tabloid to use so many drugs at one time that they risk their lives, or are people who have a propensity for addiction drawn to this type of lifestyle? Does it really matter since it seems the effects that it has upon the youth of America is the same, whatever the reason?

The fact of the matter is every day there are millions upon millions of teens who are exposed to these headlines that tell the stories of unhappy and famous addicts using drugs and most likely these teens are more often than not influenced by the stories that they read about their iconic heroes risking their own lives. Yes of course, there are some teens who are unfazed by this because they have enough self-esteem and direction in their lives that they feel it would be beneath them to follow these tortured souls path in life. Unfortunately, there are many teens, which for many different reasons, are not able to see past the glitz and glamour of Hollywood life.

Addiction Prevention in the Youth of Today

There are many different ways and methods that parents can utilize to prevent their children from using drugs. It is shown that parents who are actively involved in their children’s day-to-day life and spend plenty of family quality time with their children much less likely to raise children that use drugs and become addicted to them. It is also shown that kids that are involved in sports and activities that build self-esteem are also much less likely to use drugs and become addicted to them. Another very important key factor in the prevention of children using drugs or alcohol and preventing addiction is drug education and parents play a very important role in their children’s drug education. It is very important for parents to have serious conversations about the dangers of drugs and alcohol on a regular basis with their children. These conversations need to be done in such a way that the child feel safe to ask any questions that they may have about these matters. Narconon drug education pamphlets are very helpful in giving parents effective techniques for these conversations.

Narconon also does drug education for schools and workplaces. There are three main goals for Narconon drug education lecturers that address kids and teens. They are as follows:

  • · reinforce the decision to not use drugs in children who have made that decision already
  • · help children that are undecided about where they stand on the use of drugs to come to the decision to not use them
  • · convince kids who have already started using drugs to stop using them and seek the appropriate help needed if they are already addicted

The Narconon drug education program also addresses the media’s influence on society through movies and television. It is explained how seeing a beautiful person on television or in a movie using drugs or alcohol can actually create a desire within a person watching this image to want to do these things themselves. This helps kids to see through actual advertisements that are designed to create the desire for drugs or alcohol in the public. The Narconon drug education program also brings to light how although, drug use can seem glamorous and exciting and as though drug use could actually increase someone’s social status, in reality all it really does is turn a person into an outcast. Young teens and adolescents actually respond very strongly to the social aspect of drug addiction; much more so than they do physical risks that are associated with drug addiction. This may be because most teens and adolescents are quite healthy and take this for granted and do not see the correlation between drug use and the decline of health in friends of theirs who use drugs or alcohol. To them these people may to seem cool or popular. All of the messages of the Narconon drug education program are conveyed in a way that is mixed with a lot of humor. It is also shown that kids actually respond and take more seriously information that is presented in a humorous light.

The best way to prevent addiction in the future is to educate the youth of today. It is very important to take very good care of our children to ensure the success of our species in the future. In actuality one of the biggest threats that humanity may face in this day and age is addiction. When a person is addicted to mind altering substance this addiction is going to affect every area of the person’s life in a negative manner. Our kids need to know this for a fact so they do not put themselves in the torturous predicament of addiction.

In the case that addiction does occur for an individual, the Narconon program and Narconon Objectives are one of the best ways to deal with it. If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction please call Narconon today and get the answers that you need and are looking for. Kind and knowledgeable counselors are always available via telephone or Internet.

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