This is part four of the story of a man we are calling Bart. Bart is not his real name but just one that we are using to protect his identity. Bart became sober through the aid of the Narconon Program after reading review of the Narconon program, although he attended the Narconon of Louisiana program. This is the story of the time of his life that eventually led him to the Narconon program. Continued from part three…

The plan that the dealer had made with his son and Bart was, anytime one of them went off to make a drug sale, they were to take all the meth that was in the house with them. If they ever got arrested, they would then make a deal with the cops to rat out the dealer. They would be released and then when the cops went to dealer’s house and searched it they would find nothing because there would be no meth in the house because either the kid would have it or Bart would have it so the dealer would not be able to be arrested.

When the dealer’s son got arrested he followed only one part of the plan. He told the cops that the meth was his dads. The problem with that was that the meth that the son had was not his dads; that meth was still at the dealer’s house. When the cops went to search the house the dealer knew that there was a large amount of meth within the house and he decided that he was not going to go down without a fight. He told the police that he was going to refuse to cooperate and that if they did not leave him alone he was going to set off a bomb that was going to blow up the entire neighborhood where he lived. There was a five hour standoff before the police finally had the dealers son call him and told him to just turn himself over because he did not want to see his dad die.

At that point the dealer surrendered and went with the police. His house was then searched and much of the meth that was in the house was seized. Most of it but not all of it… The dealer was convicted and had to serve fifteen years in prison for his crimes. He is probably still there to this day.

Bart Goes to Florida

At this point Bart went to his mom’s house for a couple of weeks. Somehow the police got wind that he was staying there and started to subpoena him to go to court against the dealer. When he got his first subpoena he realized that he really needed to get out of town for a while. He and one of his friends drove down to Florida and stayed there for three months until the air cleared in his home town. While there Bart tried smoking crack cocaine for the first time. He also used a lot of meth, but when he smoked crack he became addicted to it so quickly that he decided that he needed to go home and get away from the people that he knew smoked crack in Florida. In addition he had gotten word from his mother that the court system had quit sending subpoenas to his house.

When he got back, he quickly met up with the dealer’s son. The son told him that the house where they had once lived had been barricaded by police tape and signs stating do not enter. The son also said that he’d been keeping an eye on the place and that it appeared to him that no one had been there for a very long time. He also said that he thought he knew where some meth had been hidden that the police had probably not found. He suggested that the two of them go to the house and check it out.

Bart agreed and the two of them drove to neighborhood that backed up behind the house and parked the car and walked through the woods onto the premises. They searched around the house, and indeed there was a lot of meth that had been overlooked. They got really high and started to camp out in the house. In the meanwhile Bart also began selling marijuana to pay for his necessities. He did not sell meth because he was afraid of getting caught and for good reason.

Bart Gets Arrested

One day Bart drove up to see a regular customer of his to sell her some marijuana. She lived on top of a mountain and when he went to see her they hung out for a couple hours. When he drove back down the mountain, the police were doing mandatory stops and searches on all through traffic. When Bart got stopped, the police spotted scales in his front seat. They told him that they were going to search his car. At the time Bart did not think much of the meth that he had on him because he was not selling it; he was more worried about the weed.

However, the police were not. They found the marijuana as well as the methamphetamine and he was arrested on the spot. This time when he went to court things did not go as well. He had to stay in jail for six months during this time he got sober and when he got out of jail he applied to community college.

He moved in with a couple of people who said that they were sober because he was not interested in surrounding himself with ne’er-do-wells who were using drugs. Unfortunately, he later found out that both of his roommates were suffering from Ambien addiction as well as Xanax addiction. Bart tried to stay sober despite these conditions as long as he possibly could, but eventually he relapsed. He went on a two-week binge before attempting to get clean again. Continued in part five……

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