Recently there have been reports of a dangerous new method that teens and young adults are using to consume alcohol. It is called Drunkorexia (new trend among teens and young adults of combining extreme dieting with excess drinking). This method mainly consists of people drinking without eating first and drinking to excess with no food in their system. Young women say that they do it because alcohol has a lot of calories and they wish to maintain their figure while still being able to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. They are pretty much exchanging their alcoholic calories for their calories that they would otherwise get from food. Young men are saying that they drink this way because they are trying to save money on food and alcohol because they get much more inebriated on an empty stomach. When one drinks in this way the danger to the liver and kidneys is magnified. Drinking alcohol can cause many physical problems to many organs in the body; especially to the liver and kidneys. Another organ that has the potential to be negatively affected by the overconsumption of alcohol is the brain. The consumption of alcohol is known to leach vitamins out of a person system, especially vitamin B1 or thiamine. When a person does not eat any food before they drink this risk is greatly increased. Many alcoholics suffer from a B-1 deficiency which can cause severe brain damage, either temporary or permanent. People who choose to drink without eating are putting themselves at risk for a couple of brain disorders that are caused by the overconsumption of alcohol and B-1 deficiency. Because these people are very young and naïve they feel that what they are doing poses no risk to their physical health, but unfortunately this is not true. The kids are putting themselves in the position to end up in the hospital or far worse.

Alcoholic Liver Disease

In addition to brain damage, the liver is another organ can get severely damaged from the overuse of alcohol. A person who is a long-term alcoholic can begin to develop what is known as alcoholic liver disease. Although usually this disease can take many years to develop, there’ve been some people who have known to develop problems after drinking for only a couple of years to excess. There are three stages to alcoholic liver disease. This first stage is what is known as an alcoholic fatty liver. At this stage of the game, this disease is completely reversible. The only thing that one must do to recover is to quit drinking. The liver is the most regenerative organ in the body and it would not take long for a person to completely recover from alcoholic fatty liver disease if they completely abstain from alcohol.

The second stage of alcoholic liver disease is what is known as alcoholic induced hepatitis. Although most people think of hepatitis as being related to a virus, alcohol induced hepatitis is not caused by a viral infection at all. Hepatitis literally translated into inflammation of the liver. At this stage alcoholic liver disease is also completely reversible with the only treatment that is needed is for the person to completely abstain from alcohol. One would think that if a person is diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease that they would do whatever they could to quit drinking; however many alcoholics are so completely powerless to their addiction they continue to drink anyway.

Stage III of alcoholic liver disease is what is known as cirrhosis. At this stage scar tissue begins to develop on the liver and at this point alcoholic liver disease becomes fatal with the only available to the treatment that is effective is for a person to receive a complete liver transplant. Stage III of alcoholic liver disease is very painful to endure and there are many people who are on waiting lists for liver transplants. Until recently, the only hope that a person had of surviving alcoholic liver disease at the cirrhosis stage, was for someone with a matching liver to die and donate their liver. However, recently it has become more popular for people to be able to receive a liver transplant from a live donor. The reason that this is possible is because the liver is the most regenerative organ in the human body. However, the cost of surgery with a live donor liver transplant is extremely expensive. Fortunately, there are hospitals in India that specialize in this operation and the costs there are much lower than they are in the United States.

How this procedure works is a portion of the donors liver is taken from their liver and placed in the appropriate area of the person receiving the donation after the diseased liver is completely removed. The major artery lines are attached to the new liver and immunosuppressive drugs are given to the done to prevent rejection of the liver. Recovery for both parties takes usually about 4 to 6 months with a new complete healthy liver growing in both people’s bodies. In a perfect world all alcoholics would get treatment before their drinking got to the point where they were eligible for the need of a liver transplant.

Narconon Teaches Alcoholic Tools Needed to Live Life Sober

Alcoholism is one of the most severe addictions that a person can suffer from. One of the reasons for this is because drinking is a very socially acceptable activity. If you or a loved one are looking for help for addiction to alcohol please feel free to call Narconon today. Narconon has one of the most effective treatments for alcoholism that is available today. One of the reasons that people become so addicted to alcohol is because they feel that they do not have the abilities that are needed to confront life and all of its problems. Any time an alcoholic or a recovering alcoholic gets upset they will often feel the need to drink because they do not know what else to do. The solution from their problems often becomes the biggest problem in itself. The reason for this is because Narconon teaches a person how to handle the problems that can come up in life that are hard to handle. Narconon also deals with the emotional aspects of addiction and why the person got addicted in the first place. Narconon has a unique series of  life skill building courses; each one designed to rehabilitate an ability that is needed for life to be successful and sober. If you have a loved one are suffering from addiction to alcohol or other drugs please call Narconon today. Hope for a sober and happy life can become a reality.

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