We all wish that alcohol abusers would all go to treatment or learn to “drink responsibly”.  That message falls on deaf ears, for those who should listen.  However, in the case of a strong alcoholic drink, apparently sweetened up to disguise the strong alcoholic content, some have decided to sue responsibly.  After several deaths from the potent drink, Phusion Projects is facing another lawsuit and hopefully one that will put their drinks way back on the shelves where no one can see their colorful packaging.

In this litigious society, suing someone is a way to make them take notice and there are plenty of attorneys waiting to grab onto a case.  For those deadly products out there, like  Four Loko it is the responsible thing to do.  With so many crazy legal ways to get high, we can’t expect the government to bear the  sole burden of blowing the whistle.  This article points out an example of something we can do:

Another lawsuit has been filed against Phusion Projects, LLC, maker of Four Loko alcoholic beverages, Crain’s reported March 9.

The new lawsuit, which is aiming for class-action status, was filed March 4 in the Southern District Court of California. It claims that Four Loko misled its customers about the potency of its caffeinated alcoholic beverages by using fruit flavors, colorful packaging, and clever shelf placement in stores to suggest they were similar to non-alcoholic beverages.

The original Four Loko came in a 23.5-ounce can with a caffeine and guarana (another stimulant) and the alcohol equivalent of three to four beers. Launched in 2005, the drink — linked to several deaths and incidents of severe alcohol poisoning — became known as “blackout in a can.”

It was banned in multiple cities and states before a warning by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Nov. 2010 forced Phusion Projects to reformulate the drink without caffeine.

“Nothing in the advertising, labeling, packaging, marketing, promotion and selling of Four Loko” warned the plaintiff, Jacqueline Richardson, of “the particular dangers of drinking a caffeinated beverage with high alcoholic content,” and she was “misled by defendant into purchasing and paying for a dangerous product that was not what it was represented to be,” her complaint said.”


Before someone totally ruins their lives with one of these products, Narconon is available.

Narconon drug and alcohol rehab is a viable alternative.  Law suits can be valuable and send a message, but they can’t bring back the dead.

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