People have used the medicinal properties of the poppy plant since the dawn of time. There is evidence of the use of opioids in the most ancient civilizations. From the prehistoric Egyptians

Morphine Ampules

to the old-time Romans, the use of poppy seeds to ease pain, both mental and physical, has been a traditional practice.

Temporary opiate use does help ease the pain of people who are suffering from some type of mental or physical hurt, but a problem arises when this use becomes habitual. Opioids work very similarly to endorphins which are produced naturally in the body. Because of this, if someone is using opioids for a long time, it can cause the body to not feel the need to supply the user with these natural endorphins. When the person stops using the opiates, they can feel terrible for a couple of reasons. First of all, opiates are physically addictive. This means that if a person uses them for an extended period of time and they stop, they will go through physical withdrawal. Some physical withdrawal symptoms from opiates are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • Sweating profusely
  • Running nose
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Reduced tolerance of pain
  • Muscle and bone aches
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Nervousness
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dilated pupils
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

The second reason that coming off of opiates can make a person feel so terrible is because oftentimes their bodies come to depend on the opioids to feel good and eventually, only normal. Opiates are very similar to the chemicals that are found in the human body that make a person feel good naturally. As stated before, endorphins affect the body in the same manner as opiates and are considered a natural opiate. When a person is using opiates regularly for an extended period of time, their body stops producing the natural chemicals that make the person feel good and block their pain receptors. When the person stops taking the opiates, they do not have the natural chemicals that make them feel better and they also do not have the opiates anymore either. At this point they can feel very ill at ease and depressed. It usually takes about thirty days for the body to get back into sync as far producing the natural chemicals that work in the same way as opiates in the body.

Extended Withdrawal

When a person has been on opiates long enough to get addicted to them, their withdrawal can be very painful and drawn out. Modern theories indicate that this is because some of the opiate metabolites can become stored in the fatty tissues of the body for years. This means that every time that the person burns their fatty tissue either through exercise, dieting, stress or other factors, they can be setting themselves up for a major craving. The reason for this is that when these opiate metabolites are released from the tissues back into the blood stream they go into the brain and can cause it dysfunction. The metabolite is not the drug, but a broken down piece of it and when these metabolites are released into the brain they can be recognized for the chemical that they represent. This may be the reason why opiate addicts can feel physically and mentally bad for such a long time.

Many people who have suffered from opiate addiction have complained of feeling weak and in pain quite often for a very long time after they quit using the drug. Many have stated that they only way that they know that they will be able to feel normal is to take more opiates. Many say that they just do not generally feel as well as they did before they ever used the drug. They say that when they do opiates, they feel the way that they did naturally before they ever used the drugs. Some have the fear that they may never be able to feel good again without using these drugs.

Narconon as an Effective Treatment

Narconon is a program that was actually started by a heroin addict. Narconon has been proven to show very good results in helping opiate addicts overcome their addiction. One of the main reasons that Narconon has been so successful in this endeavor is probably due to the Narconon New Life Detoxification Program.

This portion of the Narconon drug rehab program is designed to help a person’s body rid itself of the drug metabolites that are stored in the person’s tissue through a regimen of daily vitamins, exercise and sweating in a dry heat sauna. This portion of the program has been found to greatly assist an ex-opiate user in feeling physically well again. Many opiate users said that after they finished this portion of the Narconon program, they felt physically the way that they did before they ever used drugs. They are often quite pleased with this effect and become very hopeful about the happiness that they will be able to attain and retain for the rest of their lives. Some of them even said that they felt as good as they did when they were children.

The second portion of the Narconon program deals with the emotional and social aspects of addiction. It is often found that people who use drugs as a way to cope with life do so because they feel that they do not have an alternative. It is the goal of the Narconon goal to help them find alternatives and learn the skills that they need to do so.

At Narconon a person will also come to terms with their past misdeeds and figure out ways to make up the damage that was done by them. They also learn what type of people will be positive influences and not, as well as assimilating a good moral foundation into their lives.