Narconon has a very unique approach to handling cocaine addiction that has been proven to be very effective. Narconon is the only program that is available to date that handles both the physical and mental aspects of cocaine addiction in the manner that it does.

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is widely known as being a purely psychological addiction in most professional addiction fields. The fact of the matter is that this is not completely accurate. The reason that cocaine addiction is known as a mental addiction is because when someone stops using it, they are not going to go through withdrawal symptoms. But cocaine addiction definitely has a physical aspect to it which can have the potential to affect the person suffering from it for a very long time.

Anytime that a person uses cocaine it acts as a poison to the body. This means that if the person uses too much of the drug they have the potential to overdose and perhaps die. Because of this, the body is going to try and rid itself of the cocaine as quickly as possible in a process called metabolization.

Metabolization is where the body takes a substance and turns it into a form that can be used and rids itself of the waste. When bread is broken down it is turned into glucose and protein, when heroin is broken down it is turned into morphine. Everything that is ingested into the body goes through this process. The form that the body turns the substance into is called a metabolite. Metabolites are mostly flushed out of the body through the sweat, urine and feces. When a person is using large amounts of cocaine, especially over a long period of time, the cocaine metabolites can be too great in quantity for the person’s body to be able to flush them out as fast as they are going in.

The metabolites that are not flushed out of the system are then often stored in the fatty tissue. This can have a very detrimental effect on a person who is trying to quit using drugs because it can affect them in many different ways on many different levels.

Every time that the person burns their fatty tissue, either due to stress or exercise or lack of food, there is a potential for these metabolites to be released back into the blood stream. When this happens, the amount of metabolites is usually not enough that it causes the person to become high, but it is enough that it causes the person to have an extreme craving.

This is especially detrimental to a person who is trying to quit using cocaine because this usually happens when the person is under stress. Cocaine addicts usually use cocaine when they are under stress as a way to deal with their problems. When the person becomes sober and they are under stress and they have a severe physical craving for cocaine, it can be very hard for them to fight against it. If they are in a good support group, they may be able to fight it, or they may not. It will take a lot of self control for them to be able to avoid using in the future.

The Narconon Program

The Narconon program is set up to deal with this aspect of cocaine addiction and other drug addiction. Narconon is the only program that does. This is done through a specific regimen of vitamins and minerals and sweating in a dry heat sauna. With these vitamins, the person will take a specific vitamin called niacin that works as sort cleanser for the blood. Niacin helps the body take all the toxins that are in the blood stream and rid itself of them. The person will take the vitamins and niacin in the morning and then they will do a light aerobic exercise for about fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on what physical condition they are in. The point of the exercise is to get the person’s heart rate up so their blood is really going throughout their body. This will also get their fat burning and start getting toxins and metabolites released back into their blood stream. This also helps the niacin to be evenly distributed throughout their entire system, especially deep within their fatty tissues.

Once this happens the person then gets into a dry heat sauna to sweat. The reason for this is to help the body eliminate the toxins that are getting stirred up more easily. One of the basic major ways that the body has to rid itself of toxins is through the sweat and the urine. While person is in the sauna they will drink approximately one gallon of water. A gallon of water weighs eight pounds. The person is weighed in when they first start in the morning and weighed out and the end of the day. They will usually weigh within one to two pounds of what they did when they started. This means that they are pushing about eight pound of water through their system, mostly through their sweat.

The person does this everyday from anywhere from fifteen to fifty days, depending on their drug history, how old they are and what shape they are in.

Phase Two

The person addresses the physical aspect of their cocaine addiction before they deal with social and emotional aspects of their addiction because they will be more able to deal with stressful emotional issues effectively if they are not constantly distracted by physical cravings.

The rest of the Narconon cocaine treatment plan, as well with other drug addiction plans, focuses on teaching the person the emotional and coping skills that are needed to deal with life without using cocaine. The person also learns how to take responsibility for themselves and all aspects of their lives and create future life plans on how to do this continuously. They also figure out how to make up the damage that was caused by their addiction and how to avoid situations that would lead them to use in the future.

It has been found that this is a very successful approach to cocaine and other addictions and a large percent of the people who graduate the Narconon program go on to lead very productive drug free lives. There are Narconons all over the world and all over the country as well.