Narconon Reviews Prescription Drug Use


For the past few decades there has been a drug problem that has been escalating in America. This problem usually flies under the radar because it is socially. Narconon reviews prescription drug use because it needs to come to light what is happening with this epidemic. Prescription drug use has become a problem because so many people are getting addicted to these drugs that are very easily obtained if one has insurance as well as a willing doctor. Some people are having these addictions thrust upon them unawares because they have so much trust in what their doctors are telling them to do. Below is a list of drugs that have a high potential for being abused and one can get them with a prescription.

  • Morphine
  • Xanax
  • Hydrocodone
  • Oxycodone
  • Methadone
  • Klonopin
  • Darvocet
  • Dexedrine
  • Lorazepam
  • Soma
  • Valium
  • Trazodone
  • Adderall
  • Ritalin

Some of these drugs are opiate pain medications and given to people who suffer from chronic or acute pain. For people who suffer from chronic pain, some doctors feel that the benefit to the person taking the medications and having the ability to live pain free outweighs the risks of addiction. In some cases this may be true if there is no other option for the person that would get rid of their long term pain. For acute cases, some doctors feel that the risk of addiction is low and feel that it would be unlikely for the person to get addicted. The problem with this reasoning is that some of these opiates do not take that long to cause a physical dependence. There have been many cases where a person has been a car accident or had surgery and was instructed to take pain medication over a period of time while the person recovered. After recovery the person would try to come off the medication and find that they just did not feel well. They would take the medication and find that their withdrawal symptoms would vanish and the person would get to the point where they realized that they no longer felt like themselves without taking pain medication.


Benzodiazepines are often prescribed to people who suffer from anxiety. It is not recommended that person use benzodiazepines over a long period of time because the risk of the person becoming addicted to them is so great. When a person takes this type of medication for anxiety for a long period of time the person has the potential to become mentally as well as physically addicted to them. This means that when the person quits using them, their body will go through withdrawal. Benzodiazepine physical withdrawal is one of the most dangerous withdrawals that a person can go through and very similar to that of alcohol withdrawal but can be much worse and last much longer. Alcohol and this type of medication affect the same area of the brain and it is assumed that this is why their withdrawal symptoms are similar. A person needs to really research this drug and talk to their doctor about the long term effects before taking benzodiazepines for an extended amount of time. Below is a list of the withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines.

  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Suicidal thoughts or suicide
  • Hyperthermia
  • Delusions
  • Violent tendencies
  • Organic brain disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Confusion
  • Mania
  • Delirium Tremens
  • Nightmares
  • Dilated pupils
  • Insomnia
  • Muscular spasms
  • Electric shock sensations
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Hearing impairment
  • Flu like symptoms
  • Increased sensitivity to sounds and touch
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Death

ADD/ADHD Medication

Surprisingly enough another family of drugs that are highly abused is ADD/ADHD medications. The reason that these are abused is because they are stimulants. If a person crushes the pills up and snorts them they give the person a euphoria that is similar to cocaine. Because there are so many kids and teens that are prescribed these drugs it almost seems as if the pharmaceutical companies are encouraging teen prescription drug use and abuse. The kids that are prescribed these drugs also run a higher risk of abusing stimulants later in the future as an adult. Living with a child who has an abundance of energy during many hours of the day can be difficult for any parent to deal with sometimes. There has been research done on different allergy testing and diet changes that can help with ADD/ADHD symptoms. There are also natural remedies that have shown to be beneficial as well. Use of these type of medications in young children and teens is definitely recommended as a last resort because of the long term effects that these medicines can cause. In addition to creating habit forming behaviors, these drugs also have the potential to cause serious heart damage and even heart failure in rare cases due to the fact that they are a stimulant as well as vasoconstrictors. This means that they cause blood vessels to constrict which makes a persons heart have to work harder to get blood delivered to all areas of the body. Overtime this can cause the heart to become enlarged and or weakened.

An Ounce of Prevention…

Because of the very real dangers of prescription drug abuse that is posed from the drugs that are listed above, one should definitely think it over before jumping into a prescription of them if at all possible. There are some very serious medical conditions that in some cases a person will need to take some of these drugs and that cannot be helped. When a person is in a lot of pain an opiate pain reliever can act as a G-d send. When someone is detoxing off alcohol, a short term prescription of benzodiazepines can mean the difference between life and death. There is definitely a time and place for the use of these drugs. However, exercising caution is highly recommended before a person gets on a long term prescription of any of these. Drug withdrawal can be a long and painful process that can cause a lot of long term suffering.