Narconon: Helping a Young Musician Get His Life Back

E’s Story

Misery Of prescription drug abuse Narconon helps people of all walks of life. Here is the story of one individual who used Narconon Resources to get his life back.

E was born in the late seventies. He grew up in a single parent home. He never met his father. He was an only child and he lived with his mom in a small apartment in a well to do neighborhood. His mom was very devoted to him and worked very hard to provide him with everything that she could. He grew up very close with his mother as a child.

The Early Stages of Drug Abuse

School, however, was never E’s thing. He didn’t like school, didn’t like homework, he didn’t really like the area where he grew up. He said overall he had a good child hood, but he grew up poor, in a rich area, and that was hard for him to deal with. He said he did not really feel like he could fit in with all the other richer kids in his school and he felt like he just did not fit the area where he grew up. He said when he was a young teen, around fourteen, he really started to rebel. He started smoking marijuana and started playing music. By the time he was sixteen he started using LSD and pretty soon after that he got kicked out of his home and his school. He turned to music for his salvation.

Escalation of Drug Abuse

He joined a local band and got an apartment with the some other kids he knew. He also got a job at Taco Bell and worked almost everyday. Most of the people he lived were sixteen like E, but one of their roommates was nineteen, and he was the one who had the apartment lease in his name. After E moved out and was living with his friends they started using lots of LSD. He said that they would trip almost every night and were taking ridiculous amounts at a time because their tolerance got so high. They would trip and practice their music and then most of them would go to work the next day. The band was really good and they actually ended up getting signed with a small record label and they would sell out all of the shows they would play in the area. Unfortunately, this success was not to be untarnished.

One night one of the guys who lived with E went to a party. It was the nineteen year old who was the lease holder for the apartment. Anyway, he went to a party and took a large amount of LSD while he was there. Also, while he was there he did some cocaine. Apparently the mixture of the cocaine and the LSD in his system made him freak out for some reason and he started chasing the dealer that had sold him the cocaine. He had a gun with him and they took the chase out to their cars. From there, E’s friend car chased the drug dealer through some dirt roads that went through some corn fields and to a railroad track. The drug dealer’s car would not go over the railroad track and he got stuck on the track. E’s friend got out of his car and went over and shot the drug dealer in the face. He got caught and went to prison and is still in prison to this day. E got questioned about the incident and the prosecution tried to get him to testify against his friend, but he wasn’t with him that night and had no information to give them. E said it was the weirdest thing that he ever experienced because he said that his friend was usually a very sweet nice guy. He said he must have completely gone crazy from the drugs because he could never have seen him do anything like that before. He said the guy didn’t even usually pick fights ever. He said that it was really depressing for him and strange to go through all that at such a young age.

 Drug Abuse Contributes to Theft

After the nineteen year old got arrested, the living arrangement changed. E and the rest of his band ended up getting a place a little further out from the city. He lived just with his band mates at this time. They started practicing all the time and got really good. They started selling marijuana at their shows and started making a good profit. They ended up buying lots expensive recording equipment together. Unfortunately, this was right around the time the band started to break up. People stopped showing up to practice on time, people were missing gigs, and E started to get very discouraged. The band started to fight amongst themselves and eventually it came to a head.

One weekend E went out of town for a couple of days. When he came back home from his leave, he found that the other members of the band had taken all the recording equipment that everyone had invested so much into, and left. E was very upset and felt very betrayed by his former band mates and friends. At the time they were growing a large marijuana crop that they were going to sell at their concerts. When everyone left with all the band equipment, E felt a bit vengeful. He harvested the marijuana crop, packed up his stuff and left the house for good.

He ended up moving to Texas for six months, paying his way with the marijuana crop that he sold. When he was in Texas he joined a little jazz band for a while, but it wasn’t what he was used to and he ended up not liking Texas all that much.

 Trying Again

He decided to move back home. He was still using weed at this time, but did not really do many other drugs. When he got back home he started another band and met a girl that he really liked a lot. He worked really hard and dedicated a lot of time and energy into his new band. He took on the leader role for the group, and was constantly encouraging the other members to work as diligently as he was working to make the band succeed.

Continued in Chapter Two

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