Is There a Meth Lab on Your Block?

Is there a “Meth Lab” in your neighborhood? If there were how would you know? What are some of the signs that there may be a Meth Lab cooking up the deadly poison right where you live? A Meth Lab may be anywhere, in the house next door, an old barn, and abandoned or occupied apartment, a trailer, RV/Campers, in a lob cabin in the woods or set up in a motel room. A Meth Lab can be set up in the back of a van or pickup up truck. The tools and equipment to set a Meth Lab can be big enough to fit in a truck or the trunk of a car, or small enough to fit in a book bag, duffel bag, a milk crate or cardboard box.

How would you know if there was a Meth Lab in your neighborhood? It’s not like they advertise “Hey, we are making Crystal Meth right here.” So what are some signs that there may be a Meth Lab on your block? Well here are a few possible telltale signs of a possible Crystal Meth Lab in or around your neighborhood.

1. If you there is always a smell, an unusual or strong odor like animal urine (like cat urine) or a chemical smell like ammonia, ether, acetone or any other chemicals you may not recognize but know it shouldn’t be in a residential district such as yours .

2. If your neighbors keep their windows covered completely and blacked out all the time and/ or covered by blankets, trash bags, newspapers, aluminum foil, plywood, sheets, wood or anything other than drapes or curtains that “normal people” adorn their homes with.

3. Although it is not sure sign of drug activity as people have different arrangements and situations, it is still “Red Flag” when neighbors insist on paying their rent in cash. People who deal drugs most likely will pay their rent in cash.

4. If there is constant activity at a certain house on the block and an excessive amount traffic and people always coming and going at all times of the night.

5. If you notice that most of your neighbors visitors only stay for short periods of time then leave and little to no traffic during the day.

6. If you have noticed and even complained several times about large amounts of trash with empty chemical containers like: antifreeze, drain cleaner, lantern fuel cans etc.

7. If you ever notice coffee filters with red chemical stains in the trash or around the neighborhood and duct tape.

8. If you ever notice your neighbors bringing several clear glass containers into the home.

9. If your neighbors are seem too secretive and overly protective of their home, privacy and the area surrounding their home.

10. An abundance of surveillance equipment such as video cameras, alarm systems etc.

11. If your neighbors are have reinforced the doors to their home in and maybe even put in things like an electrified fence and several dogs that never leave the property.

12. Your neighbors and their guest may come outside the home to smoke cigarettes often throughout the day.

13. If you notice that your neighbors barely get mail and have very little furniture.

These may individually may be random occurrences but combined may signal a much bigger problem. If you or someone else you know has notice any or all of these signs in your neighborhood it is better to be safe then it is to be sorry. Methamphetamine is a not only addictive it is very dangerous when manufactured in these makeshift labs in residential neighborhoods. The chemicals involved with the making of Crystal Meth are highly toxic, flammable and explosive. There have been several reported cases of Meth lab explosions in neighborhoods all across America. If you notice the presence of any one or more of the following items that could potentially indicate the existence of a “Methamphetamine Lab” in your neighborhood;

~Alcohol, Ether, Benzene, Toluene/Paint Thinner, Freon, Acetone, Chloroform, Camp Stove Fuel/Coleman Fuel, Starting Fluid, Anhydrous Ammonia, “Heet” White Gasoline, Phenyl-2-Propane, Phenylacetone, Phenylpropanolamine, Iodine Crystals, Red Phosphorous, Black Iodine, Lye (Red Devil Lye), Drano, Muriatic/Hydrochloric Acid, Battery Acid/Sulfuric Acid, Epsom Salts, Batteries/Lithium, Sodium Metal, Wooden Matches, Propane Cylinders, Hot Plates, Ephedrine (over-the-counter), Cold Tablets, Bronchodialators, Energy Boosters, Rock Salt, Diet Aids~

Remember, “BE NOISY!” When it comes to the safety of you and your family keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings. If you notice any of these signs call 911 immediately. Make the call “anonymously” if you don’t feel comfortable revealing your identity. This is not a case of “Snitching”. There is a clear distinction between a “Snitch” and a “Concerned Citizen”.

A “Snitch” is: (a criminal informing on another criminal for his or her own benefit.)

A “Concerned Citizen” is: (any law abiding person who cares about their community and is unafraid and prepared to inform the proper authorities about any suspicious and/ or illegal activity in their neighborhood and is ready to take a stand if necessary.)

In the case of a possible Crystal Meth lab operating in your community and around your family, you are simply doing what needs to be done by reporting it. A Crystal Meth lab or any other illegal activity in your neighborhood is a danger and a health hazard and you would be doing yourself, your family and community a disservice if you said nothing.

If you have any suspicions about any activity in or around your neighborhood call the authorities and say something. There is plenty of information out here to help and law enforcement can be of service to you in cleaning up suspected Drug hotspots. But nothing works without you. Check out the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and Narconon New Life Retreat and other website for information and help in the fight against drug abuse and addiction.

Shutting down meth labs is just a part of the battle in this war against drugs. The abuse of drugs leaves behind a trail of broken lives and neighborhoods of toxic chemicals and attitudes as well. Methamphetamine Labs and drug dens are toxic waste dumps and dangerous health hazards. They endanger the lives, health and safety of residents in whatever community they spring up. Don’t be afraid to speak up. You are not alone.