Crack Babies

We all know the affect that Crack Cocaine has had on adults. But what about the children, how are they affected?


●      An infant child born too soon, maybe three to four months prematurely weigh about 4 pounds or less and just barely living attached to intravenous tubes feeding her liquid nutrition and chemicals.

●      A four year old little boy who has anger issues and at times his violent and destructive behavior becomes too much to handle so he is shuffled from foster home to foster home.

●      A dead child seven just old in a “Crack House”. Her body showing with bruises and broken limbs, the signs that she was abused several times and recently badly beaten to death.

●      What about a little boy ten years old jumping out the window and breaking an arm and a leg fleeing from his Crack Cocaine addicted father.

Crack Cocaine Addiction

These stories may sound outrageous and over the top but these are just a few stories associated with Crack Cocaine addiction. People addicted to Crack Cocaine have been known to do some crazy things for the drug and while on the drug.

The 1980’s and 90’s where known as the “Crack Cocaine” epidemic years. In this twenty year span more people have become addicted to, died of or for, committed heinous acts because of, gone to jail for or about or become victims of Crack Cocaine than have during any other drug addicted area. But no one has suffered more due to this drug than the children of America. With so many media accounts of drug crime, destruction and helplessness of Crack Cocaine addiction, it is easy to be desensitized, especially when you are so far removed. Most who read this will be shocked or slightly affected but because it may not directly affect you, the events in this article may eventually be dismissed as something you read before. However, it is extremely important that these events be taken as personal as possible because Crack Cocaine addiction is having a devastating effect on the nation’s children.

The Children of Crack Addicts

The children of Crack Cocaine addicts can be affected by this drug in a couple of ways. Many children of Crack Addicts will unfortunately start out life addicted to the drug due to being exposed to it in the womb of a Crack Addicted mother. Low birth weight and other birth defects are also associated with prenatal exposure to Crack Cocaine. The child may suffer with hidden problem that will surface later on in life such as behavioral issues and social coping skills.

Later, as the child grows up with the active Crack addicted parent(s), issues of abuse, neglect and abandonment may arise due to the parent’s preoccupation with the drug.

Unknown Numbers of Affected Children

Crack is used by women in large numbers and the result of this use according to the Department of Health and Human Services, is an “estimated 30,000 to 50,000 babies born every year to a mothers who used Crack at some point during pregnancies.” These are shocking but real statistics. Studies have also revealed that Cocaine is used each year by hundreds of thousands of women of childbearing age in the United States.

Crack and the Unborn

When a woman smokes Crack Cocaine the drug enters every part of her body rapidly. This includes her womb and developing baby. Because Crack Cocaine suppresses the appetite of the user while keeping her active and chancing the drug, this can have serious stress and nutritional and issues on the mother and child. Other problems arise later with increased and more frequent use of the drug. The drug raises the user’s blood pressure while constricting the blood vessels of the user. This (constricted blood vessels) can have some extremely harmful effects on the mother and child. But this can be most harmful to the developing fetus. The oxygen flow to the baby’s developing brain is blocked when the blood vessels become constricted depriving it of the necessary nutrients it needs to grow properly. The result is a possible fetal stroke and other issues and even death.

Other dangers associated with Crack Cocaine use during pregnancy are the possibility of spontaneous abortions and stillbirth. Early dislodging of the placenta, preterm labor, premature rupture of the membranes are some causes of fetal death. Studies have revealed that “fetal death to be 10 times more likely among cocaine users than non-users.” (Department of Health and Human Services)

It has been found that about 30 percent of the cocaine in the mother’s bloodstream crosses the placenta but the developing liver of a fetus is not able to quickly metabolize it. The result is that the cocaine stays on and active in the developing fetus for hours longer than in its mother. The nervous system, the length of the fetus is reduced; deformations in the heart, genitals and lungs, and even the circumference of the baby’s head are in danger of being affected by the mothers use.

Behavior Problems

Crack addicted babies exhibit a variety of behavior problems. Learning disabilities and social skills are common among Children born of Crack addiction. Other problems include hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), impulsiveness, irritability and low tolerance to frustration and trouble with concentration. Another problem may be neurological damage. The child may have problem with his or her balance, motor control and coordination as well. These issues may continue to affect the child throughout their life.

Treatment Can Help

Crack Cocaine addicted mothers and their children need treatment before, during and after pregnancy. If you know a pregnant Crack Cocaine abuser for the sake of the unborn child “Get Her Help!”

Contact Narconon for more information.

Help for the Child

Babies born addicted to Crack can be difficult. Crack Cocaine addicted mothers are not capable of properly caring for a baby, much less one born with cocaine in their system. Although they may be difficult to care for they are still babies none the less in need of love and care. It is recommended that when caring for babies addicted to Crack and Cocaine one should:

Be gentle:

Babies born addicted to Crack often don’t like to be picked up or held, but it is very important that they feel human contact. Light touch is advised when feeding them or changing their diapers.

Try to Avoid Overstimulation:

Babies born addicted to Crack can be very irritable and they may cry a lot. It is suggested that you dim any bright lights and keep the noise level at low.

Be patient:

Babies born addicted to Crack may have withdrawal symptoms “for up to four months.” It is very import that the caregiver of a baby addicted to Crack Cocaine be patient. Get the facts.