Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs

Ontario, Canada has started a database that will target Dr’s, pharmacies and people who fill prescriptions.  The new database is getting Ontario one step closer to stopping many prescription drug addiction problems in the area.

Health Minister Deb Matthews said the database, which will be enacted in legislation this fall, will flag unusual patterns of prescribing and dispensing. Authorities would then pass along that information to the appropriate regulatory colleges (such as the College of Physicians and Surgeons) or the police.

“People who are addicted to narcotics will be able to tell you what doctors don’t ask questions, where you can go to get a prescription filled with very few questions asked, pharmacies that will turn a bit of a blind eye to suspected forgeries,” she said. “And it will catch individuals who are double doctoring and [accessing multiple pharmacies].”

Drug Addiction Treatment is in favor of these types of databases because they can save lives.  Once we educate our children, educate our Dr’s and regulate the dispensing of these prescription medications then we might be able to handle the problem.


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