Just because a person can get to a point in their addiction where they feel that they need drugs as much as most normal people feel like they need food, does not mean that there is no hope for this addict and that they can never get to a point where they can have a normal and happy life again. This is just simply not true. When a person is suffering from this type of addiction but they want help, there is often a lot of hope.

Narconon Rehabilitation Services

As stated in part one of this article, Narconon addresses addiction not as an incurable disease, but as a disability. The real reason that person becomes susceptible to addiction is because when they come across problems in life they have no idea how to deal with them. Basically this is true for the majority of people who become addicted to drugs. The person will feel really bad about whatever problem it is that they need to deal with, they will not know what to do, and they notice that when they use drugs they feel much better about the whole situation. This usually because they are too messed up to be able to think about anything that is going on, but as they say, ignorance is bliss. The person is actually trying, in a way, to make themselves less intelligent so that they are less able to notice things that are going on around them that might bother them.

When you have a person like this that has an addiction to drugs, the best thing that can be done with the person is to teach them the tools that they need to confront and handle problems in life. That is the goal of Narconon. Obviously there are often other issues that the person needs to deal with as well and these issues are also addressed.

Good Communication Can Equal a Good Life

Most addicts have horrible communication skills. Either that or they are really good at communicating in a way so that they are able to manipulate others and get what they want. But for the usual addict, communication is most definitely not their strong point. The first course that a person does when they go through the Narconon Program is a communication course. This course teaches the person how to communicate as well as listen effectively. Addicts usually do not have much patience and this course teaches them how to become more patient and also how to stay on top of their own negative emotions. This will help them in life as well and also in the rest of their program.

Narconon New Life Detoxification

Next, the person will handle the physical aspect of their addiction. This is definitely one of the most important parts of the Narconon program because of the effects that drugs have on the body. Drug metabolites can become stored in the fatty tissues over a period of time when a person is using regularly. Metabolites are the broken down bits of drugs that the body usually gets rid of through the sweat and the urine. It is not actually the drug itself in its entirety. These metabolites can become stored in the fatty tissue for up to seven to ten years even after a person quits using and this can throw constant blows at their ability to maintain their sobriety. When the person gets upset or doesn’t eat or sleep enough, their body will go into the fatty tissues for energy because that is what these stores are there for. The fat is released and often times the drug metabolites are released back into the system as well and they go into the brain and cause the person to have a very severe craving. Because of how drugs work inside the brain, these cravings can be very hard for the person to be able to fight against. The Narconon New Life Detoxification Program is a process which helps the person’s body rid itself of these metabolites with an individualized regimen of vitamins, minerals, and sweating to flush metabolites and toxins out of the body. It has been shown for the people that finish this part of the program that their physical and mental cravings are greatly reduced.

Narconon Objectives and Communication Course

The person will then do a little learning improvement course so that they are able to really understand and use the rest of the information that they will be studying throughout the rest of the Narconon Program. The person then goes on to do the Narconon Objectives and communication course. This course is similar in some ways to the first communication course that they did in the first part of the program but at a higher level. This will help the person be able to communicate effectively with others as well as learn how to be objective about their environment. This helps prevent the person from becoming overwhelmed with their problems and also be able to see clearly what solutions for their problems are readily available.

The person will then do what is the equivalent of a mini psychology course that teaches the difference between the social and anti-social personality. They will learn what kind of people they need to surround themselves with in order to be successful and also learn which people may be in their life in the present that they need to disassociate themselves with. They also learn different techniques on how to communicate with negative people in a way that will keep the person from affecting them; sort of like deactivating a bomb and walking away.

The person will then come to terms with the things that they have done in their past that they feel guilty about such as uncontrollable binge drinking as well as anything else they feel bad about. They then take responsibility for these things and stop justifying them and blaming others for their problems. When they are able to take responsibility for themselves they are more able to take responsibility for their own lives so other people don’t have to anymore. The person then figures out what they need to do in all aspects of their lives to make up the damage that was done from their drug addiction and techniques that will help them continue to improve their lives from here on out.

The individual will then learn a basic moral code to live by and learn the reasons why when a person has their own sense of morals and ethics that they adhere to, they actually have a much better chance for success than those people who do not.  If you or a loved one would like more information please do not hesitate to call. Compassionate and understanding counselors are available twenty-four seven.