There has recently been a new epidemic that has hit society that law enforcers are having a very hard time getting control of. The reason that this problem cannot be handled by law enforcers almost at all, is because it caused by a new line of designer drugs. Designer drugs are a type of drug that are manufactured in a lab by a chemist and are meant to affect a person in a way that is similar to that of an illegal drug. Sometimes the chemical make-up of the designer drug is similar to that of its illegal counterpart, sometimes only the effects are similar. The reason that these drugs are not illegal is because often times when lawmakers outlaw one of the chemicals that make up the drug it is quickly replaced by something else. The drug dealers and manufacturers are able to stay one step ahead of the game in this way.

The newest one the scene that has been recently causing problems for many people is a product that is being sold as bath salts or plant food. These products are labeled as not for human consumption so they are often not controlled by the FDA. The problem is that people are consuming these drugs and getting very high from them and there is no knowledge as to their long term effects. There have been efforts made by lawmakers to ban the drugs, but as soon as they are able to ban one of the chemical it is quickly replaced by something else that works in a similar way.

Bath Salts Act Similarly to Methamphetamines

Most of the bath salts that are available for sale in today’s market are stimulants. When a person uses them they cause the person to stay awake for very long periods of time the same way that methamphetamines do. Many people actually stay awake for as long as three days after using these products after only one time. The person will often then use more because they feel terrible and think the drug will make them feel good again. Some people have stayed awake for weeks at a time on bath salt binges. Many people have started becoming delusional after using bath salts because they no longer have the urges to eat and to sleep. Some people have had hallucinations and heard voices and have seen demons while under the influence of these drugs. After they quit using the drug these effects can last for a very long time.

Another very scary thing about this situation is that these drugs are available in most gas stations and head shops for sale. All one has to do to buy them is to provide proof that the person is over the age of eighteen years. Kids are getting unknowing and knowing adults to buy them for them or using fake IDs to purchase them, similar to the way that teens get alcohol or cigarettes. This is very scary because some of these kids are overdosing on these products and medical professionals have no way to test for them once the person is in a hospital. Unless the person admits the fact that they used bath salts, there is no way for doctors to know what is going on.

There are many people that use them as opposed to their illegal counterparts because there is no drug test that is available today that test for the presence of these drugs in the system. There is really no way to know what the long term effects of these drugs are either because they have been on the market for such a short period of time. There is also no way to know whether the damage that is done the brain can ever be repaired.

The Narconon Program Can Help

One man called Narconon International saying that his friend was addicted to bath salts and wondered could they refer him to a program that could help. The man then was referred to Narconon of Georgia where his friend ended up going for treatment. When the man first started the Narconon program, he was suffering from constant hallucinations and psychosis. He got plenty of sleep and food while he was going the withdrawal phase of the Narconon program and yet the hallucinations did not go away. Many of his friends and family were very worried that the man was never going to recover completely from his bath salt addiction. They thought he might be suffering from permanent brain damage.

The man then started the Narconon New Life Detoxification portion of the program. This is where the person undergoes a treatment that is designed to help the body rid itself of all the accumulated toxins and drug metabolites that are stored in the fatty tissue without the use of drugs or surgery. Once the man started this treatment he began to notice that his hallucinations started going away. By the time he finished it, his vision was completely restored and most of his psychosis was gone. His family and his friends were overjoyed at the fact that he was able to get so much out of the Narconon New Life Detoxification program. Since that time the man finished the rest of the program as well where he faced the emotional issues that had gotten him into the position of using these bath salts in the first place and learned the tools that he needed to never succumb to addiction again.

Many other people have gone through the Narconon program for addictions to bath salts and have had similar results. For some of these people the thought that they would never be able to think clearly or sanely again was a very real worry for them. More research needs to be done before a definitive conclusion can be come to as to why the Narconon program worked so well for these people. For now their friends and families are just happy that it did.